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What Our Users Say:

Working Perfectly, No Stress, No Delay, No Problem, Faster To Connect, As The Moment Xender Is Best For Downloading Or Transfer Of Any App , Films , Game Etc....I Love 💕 It... Keep It Up !💕

The best app of all time, it does what it says. Any one wants to transfer files, video, music, here is the application to do the job. Thanks to the creator of this app.

One of the best file transfer apps on android. It's faster and easier to use and can transfer even large files. Highly recommended for everyone

The best app I use in transferring and receiving files so far.. I also love other features like how to paste link to download videos and status saver.

I don't care about what people say but I am telling u this app saves data. You can just literally send anything from device to device like seriously i love this app. 1 last thing if there is a game that u want to play on ur channel u can send apps to literally a computer and u can clucth so easily or have op CPS I love this app tell me what u think.

I like the app just that connecting with others goes through many processes, like to off or on wifi, Bluetooth etc , is time taken , the app should have done that on its own and get you connected without wast of time.

This is the best application to share each and everything in your phone including image, video, audio, files and documents, it is very faster in sharing especially this new version with 5G mode.

5 stars, hands down the best file transfer app for android. Its fast, simple, easy, doesnt require WIFI or Cellular data, simply 2 charged phones. This is better than the default "Nearby Share" app made officially for android, because Xender has no data transfer limit, whereas Nearby Share has a limit of 3 GB (and for no reason, like WTH?) Xender transferred my 4.5 GB zip file in under 5 minutes, and this was on a phone without a 5ghz radio. Bravo, could not be better. Life saver!
Xender has been a game-changer for my business. The ability to quickly and securely transfer large files between my devices has streamlined my workflow tremendously.
Amazing App. Almost one week i was looking for a solution how to transfer old SD card data to new one this app worked like a magic wand. My heartest thanks to entire team who made such a wonderful application. Keep up the good work
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